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Does God really care if I go to church?

God does care about you being in Christian community and he loves you. This question seems to be growing in frequency with some simply not believing church is that important or being disillusioned with “religion”. Others prefer to spend time with God in their own home. The real question is not what we feel or prefer but whether God has anything important to say about this. The answer is God absolutely has given us clear guidance on the importance of living and worshipping with other believers in the body of Christ.

Any conversation about church should be kept in perspective. Going to church saves no one. That only happens through faith in Jesus. And those who trust In Jesus do not lose their salvation by missing church. However, it is important to understand why God says church is important and good for us.

When we become followers of Jesus, we become part of the universal church. This means we are united with every other Christian believer to make up the body of Christ. In the Old Testament, the temple was the place to meet God but now we meet him with through the body of believers. The bible talks about how this body is made up of all different parts and only works when those parts work together. This means we each have a role and need to be part of this holy body for it to work optimally. Church should be where we gain spiritual maturity through being taught, prayed for and encouraged by other believers.

God also takes the time in scripture to talk about how the church should be organized and what qualifications someone should have to serve it. Why would God spend that time if it were not important to him and to us?

We pray you will assess your heart and seek accountability within a church home. Find a place where the word of God is taught with Jesus as the center of worship and sharing that message with others is a priority. Worship is ultimately about giving glory to God and not just serving ourselves. When we do this our hearts are strengthened and we grow closer to God.

Whether God cares about you going to church is a big question and we would love to discuss it with you.